This week we soared across the clouds and flew on human-sized butterflies, airplanes, wings, love, and sorrows. Starting off with songs that are not only about flying, but make you feel like you're flying. Magical and ethereal. Then moving into some more upbeat…
With Lewis
Love is all around us! This week the tunes explore realities where things went differently, while admiring the good and the bad.
Hosted by Lewis
It came to me in a vision.
Hosted by Lewis featuring special guest DJ Milly Rock
This week I brought my very own sibling to the booth to curate some tasty vaguely thanksgiving themed toons and cowboy jams for you all. Thanks Milly!!!
Song ArtistAlbumA New Phase Awaits You…
With Lewis Rice
Explore crazy awesome noises all around the pop and folk landscape and don't think too hard about what this has to do with ducks or humor. Someday we will all learn.
SongArtistAlbumVampire in the CornerMagdelena BayImaginal DiskBillions Caroline…
TrackArtistAlbumwhy does the earth give us people to love?Kara JacksonWhy Does the Earth Give Us People to Love?forwards beckon reboundAdrianne LenkersongsBlurred World Mount Eerie Night PalaceEnd Of The WorldSearows End Of The Worldnoonday sunField Medicgrow your hair long if you're wanting to…