TrackArtistAlbumSecond LivesVitalicFlashmobPoison LipsVitalicElektrik World Vol. 2IdealisticDigitalismIdealismA cause des garcons (Tepr Remix Edit)YellePop-Up (Extended Version)Orcadeadmau5VexillologyWord Problemsdeadmau5For Lack of a Better NameBad Selectiondeadmau54x4=12Selected FacesGesaffelsteinVariationsHatredGesaffelsteinConspiracy Pt. 1GlassGesaffelsteinVariations
TrackArtistAlbumEnough for youWispPandoraTangled dreamsWispTangled dreamsOnce then we'll be freeWispOnce then we'll be freePandoraWispPandoraSave the WorldWe Are Not Friends & NextimeWe Are Not Friendssoftware updateyeulesoftscarsdaziesyeuledazies16 PsycheChelsea WolfeHiss SpunDianaChelsea WolfeDianaBlue Bell KnollCocteau TwinsBlue Bell KnollWorking For The ManPJ HarveyTo Bring You My LoveGirl I Love…
Track List
TrackArtistAlbumSilhouettePastel GhostDark Beach EPBlissedSuzy SheerBlissedAir Bnb Sonnet (Club Eat Remix)The HellpEnemy RemixedFrostSALEMKing NightSears TowerSalemFires In HeavenLeprosyWhite RingGate of Griefgrandloves (feat. Young Magic)Purity RingshrinesLove is a Warm Dark CaveDarkswoonBind.410Elusin.410YearnคŞฯlน๓YearnPink Orange RedCocteau TwinsTiny DynamineI Wanna Be AdoredThe RaveonettesI Wanna Be AdoredInto Everything (feat.…
TrackArtistAlbumCome All Ye Fair and Tender LadiesElusinSYNFUELSNight LightYunè PinkuNight LightPoison LipsVitalicElektrik World Vol. 2SummertimeMareuxPredestinyTunnel Lights (††† (Crosses) remix)Chelsea WolfeTunnel Lights (††† (Crosses) remix)Dead SoulsNine Inch NailsThe Crow Original Motion Picture SoundtrackWorking For The ManPJ HarveyTo Bring You My LoveThe Glorious LandPJ HarveyLet England…
TrackArtistAlbumMaster of NoneBeach HouseBeach HouseSilver SoulBeach HouseTeen DreamTake CareBeach HouseTeen DreamOn The SeaBeach HouseBloomLazuliBeach HouseBloomLevitationBeach HouseDepression CherrySparksBeach HouseDepression CherrySpace SongBeach HouseDepression CherryWildflowerBeach HouseDepression CherryLemon GlowBeach House7Girl Of The YearBeach House7Holiday HouseBeach HouseBecome
TrackArtistAlbumStarburned and UnkissedCaroline PolachekStarburned and UnkissedLocked and LoadedElusinSYNFUELSHow Can I Be SureAnomie BelleSleeping PatternsPulsewidthAphex TwinSelected Ambient Works 85-92World Princess part IIGrimesArt Angels100Dean BluntBLACK METALBe My AngelMazzy StarShe Hangs BrightlyHe Can Only Hold HerAmy WinehouseBack To BlackBlue DressDepeche ModeViolatorJoan of ArcArcade FireReflektorFlicking Your SwitchLadytronLight…
TrackArtistAlbumDog Days Are OverFlorence + The MachineLungsRabbit Heart (Raise It Up)Florence + The MachineLungsCosmic LoveFlorence + The MachineLungsKiss With A FistFlorence + The MachineLungsYou've Got The LoveFlorence + The MachineLungsOnly If For A NightFlorence + The MachineCeremonialsShake It OutFlorence + The MachineCeremonialsWhat The…
TrackArtistAlbumStar GuitarThe Chemical BrothersCome With UsGhostsLadytronVelociferoPlaygirlLadytron 604 (Bonus Track Version)Clearest BlueCHVRCHESEvery Open EyeDragon QueenYeah Yeah YeahsIt's Blitz!Klaus I Love YouM83Hurry Up We're DreamingRun Into FlowersM83Red Seas & Lost GhostsMessagesWhite TownMessages: Modern Synthpop Artists Cover OMDBloodsportSneaker PimpsBloodsportSpin Spin SugarSneaker PimpsBecoming X6 UndergroundSneaker PimpsBecoming XBeauty…
TrackArtistAlbumShadows of Ourselves (Remastered 2022)Thievery CorporationMirror Conspiracy (Remastered 2022)They Always Fly AwayBlouseBlouseInto BlackBlouseBlouseFeyd Rautha Dark HeartGrimesGeidi PrimesAviGrimesGeidi PrimesLejos de TiThe MariasLejos de TiIntergalactic JanetLey SoulIntergalactic JanetPurpleCrustation & Bronagh SlevinBloomFlameCrustation & Bronagh SlevinBloomFace The WavesCrustation & Bronagh SlevinBloomShook OnesBowery ElectricLushlifeLushlifeBowery ElectricLushlifeWithin The BoundariesDaniel Land…
TrackArtistAlbumRabbit Heart (Raise It Up)Florence + The MachineLungsRay of LightMadonnaRay of LightStrict MachineGoldfrappBlack CherryLeave a TraceCHVRCHESEvery Open EyeDeadzoneLadytronLadytronDestroy Everything You TouchLadytronBest of 00-10 (Deluxe Version)Black CatLadytronVelociferostranger than earthPurity Ringanother eternityOcean of TearsCaroline PolachekOcean of TearsZerosDesireZerosEntombedDeftonesKoi No YokanHeyPixiesDoolittleEnjoy the SilenceDepeche ModeViolatorHystericYeah Yeah YeahsIt's Blitz!