Last Broadcast
06/05/24 the end of the beginning of dj ec What can I say that I have not said before? So I’ll say it again. The leaf has a song in it. Stone is the face of patience. Inside the river there is an…

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All About Love
04/17/24 “To return to love, to get the love we always wanted but never had, to have the love we want but are not prepared to give, we seek romantic relationships. We believe these relationships, more than any other, will rescue and redeem…

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Last First Day
04/03/24 Think of Others by Mahmoud Darwish As you prepare your breakfast, think of others    (do not forget the pigeon’s food). As you conduct your wars, think of others    (do not forget those who seek peace). As you pay your water bill,…

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Love Letter Radical Friendships
~sophia's birthday~ Event Spotlights: Global Day of Action, March 13th, people are invited to "stop business as usual" to spark action surrounding the genocide in Gaza Week's Poem: Up there with the opening band  New t-shirt, over jeans, over a skirt I tried…

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Gas Station Sushi
buckle up, and enjoy the ride. from confident, to panicked, to grief, to sadness, then the end. Minutes, seconds, then hours A once squeaky wheel, Thrown finally Violent with repetition For seconds, minutes, then hours I held tighter, Knuckles loosing blood…

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