This week the playlist was themed “Creativity”, and the poem this week was my creative activity to work on during the music. I started and finished it during the show, so it was only edited as I went, but I hope you enjoy it.

Created Things by R.Story

“Here is this thing I made”, we say, with work displayed
And, though we hope for affirmation,
Works of creation should be more of a sensation,
Even more than our excitement shows them to be.
We take a something, or a nothing, and set it free,
A new form from the ether or the other.
What even is it, really, that we are making?
If we call an item or idea new in this old world, are we faking?
I think not, as I share this thought that I wrote in pen.
It may be ink upon a page for the millionth time again,
But I did it this time, with today’s vitality.
Even a thought is a bodily reality.
Neurons and synapses, our memories and their lapses,
Running amok, then putting into an order,
Thought clouds bringing forms out of disorder.
Then there are things made of our doing,
Like singing and dancing, we get the very air moving.
Waves of sound and waves of light,
We move with delicacy and might.
Our art is experienced by the senses of our audience,
Each one’s sensors activated by the resplendence.
If we use the material world that already exists now
And has already been for so long, then, how?
How is it new? Well, bonds are broken, and new bonds are formed
Physical, chemical, when cooled or warmed,
Chiseled, tooled, painted, glued, moulded, nailed,
Melted, shaped, or in any way upon prevailed
By the makers, the artists, the bakers, the chemists, the carpenters…
We all, in one or more of these ways are wondrous inventors.

copyright 2025 by Robyn Story

And, here is the playlist for this week, with my apologies for my worse than usual pronunciations.